Kate’s most recent programs include:
Kate’s groundbreaking work as the original Lead Coach and Program designer for the PACT Life Plan and Coaching Program has led to her continued involvement in the leadership and direction of this unprecedented initiative. The PACT Life Plan and Coaching Program works with the court system, as an adjunct to Probation, with youth in serious conflict with the law, who are either on the brink of incarceration or nearing release from custody and require an intensive intervention and/or customized reintegration plan. The PACT Life Plan and Coaching Program recently won the 2013 International Coaching Federation (ICF) - GTA Prism Award.
Kate provides coaching and mentoring training and support for adult volunteers from the community who work intensively with the high-risk youth from the criminal justice system. The youth are referred by the courts or probation. As Lead Coach Kate’s responsibilities include training, monitoring client progress, supporting coaches’ learning and growth and program design.
Peer Supporters - Youth Coaching Youth
“Peer support…begins with the natural willingness of most young people to act in
a cooperative. friendly way towards another. Peer support systems build on this intrinsic quality and create structures which facilitate the young person’s potential for responsibility, sensitivity and empathic caring.”
- (Cowie and Sharp, 1996)
To provide students with the basic training to support them as they assume the role
of Peer Supporters for students in grades 6,7 and 8.
The training provides the students with an opportunity to develop their skills and capabilities in the areas of:
> Effective Communication
> Promoting healthy or open friendship groups and bullying prevention
> Assertiveness and Resistance Training
> Promoting ‘good decision making’ and the IDEAL decision making formulaK
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